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A Poem by Isla M A boy with a ponytail sits in my classroom It’s just us two, yet I don’t know his name It’s awkward and quiet, but the...

A Poem by Jackson DD My mother’s name is MT Well, no Her name is Maria Teressa Davila Delvia Known to her siblings as Marie T But that...

On Rose-Colored Glasses
By Tal T No matter how painful it may be; don't forget the past, don't deny the present, and don’t assume the future. You grew up with a...

Script Sure
By Anonymous Love is patient and the patient shall be loved Love is kind and kindness has no expiration Love does not envy but I want to...

A Poem by Clara O Records scratching along with her skin Bells chime in the wake of a new hour Chords are struck on a dusty piano letting...

Carry Me Home
A Poem by Anonymous White holds me in his quiet, warm arms Red is the color who kisses my check on a sad lonely day Yellow is the color...

A Poem by Molly B You can’t help someone who doesn’t want to be helped Someone who just can’t yelp Someone with too much pride To see...

Protecting Surges
By Devon A 24% a short and concice goodnight is sent in the last few minutes before the wifi turns off 23% a song is saved despite urges...

Poetry and Progress
A Poem by Jackson DD Poetry, I say now to you, My thoughts racing, My heart shaking and my lungs quaking Is not an easy life It rolls of...
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