By Jackson DD

When my story gets written
Every thought will be a chapter
A chapter full of run on sentences
And words we do not yet know
And with one blank page for every coherent paragraph
There will be chapters meant to read with a nightlight
Chapters to read on a train or in a cafe
Chapters for you to hide under the desk as the teacher walks by
Chapters to read aloud to your lover as you sit intertwined like puzzle pieces
There will be plotholes and characters you do not like
There will be resolutions that won’t make sense to either of us
And characters will leave with no warning
You will see how I am patchwork of every life I’ve wanted to lead
Will see how the most important parts of me are scraps of personality I got from somewhere else
See how my nose is my mother’s, my hands are my fathers, and my soul is a broken mirror with different reflections
And as you begin to reach the end to find blank pages from a notebook
An ode to you as the reader
The most important character of all