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I Want Cats Cuddling Closer than Distance
By Lev P. I lay on the grass Which is just past the point of dampness I would have preferred it to be at. I lay on the grass Whos small...

Her Heart
Lyrics by Ellen L Verse 1: Words unspoken, mind is broken. Will he find her? She is unsure. Desert red rose, pulls her veils close. She...

Time Has No Touch
By Amanda R I have never touched time And neither has he for me What blessings cost a dime I never afforded as he ought to flee Away from...

Core Memory
By Jackson DD My grandfather has memories He’ll tell stories that create my world Each scar on his hands holds a character Every hair on...

Thanksgiving Break
By Tal T Standing on the world’s terrace The cold hits me from all sides It blows my hair back and forth like branches in the wind I...

Wishful Thinking
By Tyler B Ok, here we go, Jordan thought as she placed the lamp on her desk, she ran her fingers across the cool metal. She sat in her...

Redress, A Winner is Never the Victor
by Amanda R Think back to the battles of troy The branding of the Vikings And old English wars Where people standstill in a fervent dream...

If You
by Tal T If You Made the Sun Gold If you made the sun gold, it would outshine the hate; If you outshone the hate, you would make room for...

As She Yells From the Clouds
by Lev P Today she announced her authority momentarily interrupting many converstations in transition when I was small, her vast and...
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