By Eros B

I think it's for the short boys
I think it's for the younger sisters
I think it's for the playground knees and the concrete that scraped them
For the mothers who never applied bandaids
And for the kids who learned to do it themselves,
Forgive and forget.
I think it's for the boys who are girls but are actually boys
For the fathers who mourn the losses of their daughters who are still breathing
For the mothers who hold down a million roles just to hold up their children who don't need them to anyways
For the intrusive actions
And the mini factions that fracture up families
Forgive and forget.
I think it's for the teenagers
Who wont even attempt to be understood because they speak half english / half cynicism
Forgive and forget.
For the girls with the friends who are considered more beautiful
Forgive and forget.
For the boys sitting in silence because masculine expectations are haunting them,
to the girls standing backs against the wall because “they just love the attention”
For the kid who’s always late to class because his routine panic attacks keep him in the stalls
And for the girl who always falls for somebody else,
Forgive and forget.
I think it's for the unconventionals who want to fit in but so fiercely don't
For the ones who are never forgotten though all they want is to be erased
For the ones who are told “you may speak when spoken to” and yet are never spoken to
You must speak every time you're alone so as to not forget who you are.
Forgive and forget.
I think this is for the transphobes, for the homophobes, for the killers of them all,
And for the karma that splinters them.
It's for the springtime that never fails to show up after winter
Forgive and forget.
And every time I speak, every time I write,
I carve off parts of myself just to hand them over to you,
I think this is for all of you:
Make sure that by the time the tide slinks back you’re gone again because just like the tide you'll rise and recede
So it's probably easier to just forgive and forget.