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By Skylar S They say we are a temple and should treat our body as such. My body is a koi fish swimming away from the predators in the...
They Say
Anonymous They say you don't know true love They say you don't love the truth They say a lot of things That aren't love That aren't true
If I Could Have Been
Anonymous If I could have been more nice, maybe I would have had friends. Instead of hiding behind the curtain that is my messy hair,...
Home Again
Lyrics by Ellen L My dear how long I’ve waited to find my way home In your arms I’ve rested, together we’ve grown And now I must let go...
Strawberry Lemonade
Anonymous Sweet or Sour Red or Yellow Freckled or Clear Summer ends The color leaves the glass The color finds the leaves And no one...
An Imperfect Storm
Anonymous An imperfect storm. My grandmother was a model, she had a stroke and paralyzed her left leg and arm. She wasn’t a model...
The Clock
By Jeremy K The hands of the clock Pick us up And put us down They carry us in an infinite circular pattern, Reducing the most beautiful...
Old Story
By Skylar S tell the old story the story that you have heard before you know she trembles in the cold shaking for a breath the cigarette...
Tiger Beat
Drawing by Ninh T, Haiku by Marlena A Teeth poised for attack Anger bursting from the throat Pride out on the line
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