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Will an Insect Die if it Falls Off a Skyscraper?

Found Poetry by Maxy S.

It feels like fingernails across the moon

Or do you rub your wings together?

–Doug Martsch, I Would Hurt a Fly

Answer 1: Goliath

an insect on... a giant

will you know the moon,

or tall building,

the windows open,

What reaches you?

I have found that flightless answers don't survive

I've been around the world; had my pick of any girl. You'd think I'd be happy...

Answer 2: Harvest

the fall is your teacher

fast true feathers.

the moon has organs,

if you happen to cross-section.

his shrunken spine

The cities will be slim.

Lead in their front legs

really even We are common.

Answer 3: Precession and Home Dirge

What happens


several bodies; next to several feathers!

they can't even matter to you or I

something in the muscles, tissue, skin and bone is moving really fast.

out of window between your wings not moving up-down along forwards- backwards

not airborne - moving forward! aligned to forward direction upwards

you're falling within thick foam and someone's skull


If Traveling Alone. never die

Wouldn’t a person know they're dying

If the moon reaches my bed

Whatwill happen then?

we are not mentioned. in the Reading


lesser winds damage high walls

Geez, the acid and hemolymph, written and unwritten, is fresh

concrete lit up in bright orange or white

Answer 4: Cortelyou

they don't know about all the windows in the black, writhing dark train

moving ceiling on the underside of a train smothers you

won’t you be woken up

Answer 5: Dust Book

wouldtheramificationsbe overnight?

Well, hang on for a few years

Charles Pellegrino is dying

but not decaying

Answer 6: Anatomy

keeper and breeder,

Teacher and answer

Square-cube by square

it takes to the air


seriously injured

Answer 7: Writer and Wrestler share Achilles Heel

Author views damage incomparison to death.

death will be the cage

which can lead to trouble

punctured if crushed, damage assuming a crush, injured and damaged

it will be painful For the the skin: bacteria and fungi and fluids

Answer 8: “Plink”



F.A.Q 2

Why don't you?

Would the height of a skyscraper survive after falling to the ceiling?

when a hundred giant insects die Wouldn’t that be equivalent to a person building a skyscraper on the moon

would you die If you live

do flies reach you? What reaches you in my bed? What could they be? What happens when I die?

Why do dogs die

if they fall the height of a fall, are they injured?

Will an ant die from Your Choices



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