By Kylo R

My darling Brown, Queer, Trans boys. This is for us.
This is for every time we had to come out simply because people thought we were joking.
Their laughs are hollow, hungry, haunting and taunting.
They mock us, desperately in search of a reaction.
Instead, we let their words roll off of us like water rolls off our backs in the showers where we sing our hearts out because
All I wanted was to be a boy.
This is for name changes. If it took you a few test runs to find the right one
Or if you knew what your dream name was since day one
For every name we were too scared to pick each name we despise
Because it reminds of us our pasts.
This is for every brown boy who was too scared to transition physically.
The fear that society won’t like you for how you look is so valid.
Our skin is not a threat, nor is our hair, our eyes, or our brains.
We are beautiful/handsome/pretty in our bodies and souls,
beings and skins.
This is for every femme trans boy every masc trans boy, and every androgynous boy
in between.
For every boy who spent too long playing the role of girl/sister/daughter/niece/grandaughter/girlfriend,
We support you in you journey to
This is for the boys who were afraid to show femininity. Do not be afraid to express yourself through clothes, hair or makeup. Wear that skirt, grow out your hair
Paint on as much makeup as you want. None of that makes you less of a man.
Clothing, hair, and makeup do not have a gender. Be whoever you want to be.
This is for every boy who loves boys, girls and theys. Your love is beautiful and it is not to be fetishized or manipulated. You deserve to love freely and without fear. Kiss him or her or them or xem, with their consent of course, but don’t be afraid to express your love.
This is for every sibling who told us that
“We will never be a real boy/brother/son/nephew/grandson/boyfriend”
Treya I forgive you.
I love you so much.
I hope one day you will understand.
This is for every parent of a brown queer trans boy who claimed to have
“Lost a daughter”
Let me tell you, she was never there in the first place.
This is for every supportive partner/girlfriend/boyfriend. thank you for creating a safe space for us to feel loved and cared about.
Avery, I love you to Andromeda and back.
This is for every brown, queer, trans boy who felt like you would never be truly free.
I am so proud of you for surviving. You are so
cared for/wanted/needed
This is for everyone who has ever felt like you weren’t enough.
You are.
My darling Brown Queer Trans boys, this is for us.