By Max N

It is born at the mirrors edge
Where cold stone meets dead hedge
And the dust pools in acrid air
To mingle in the corpses’ lair
It starts so very small
As a tiny egg, an infinitesimal ball
Drifting through the sprawling void
To be planted by chance, in flesh destroyed
From the egg hatches a single root
Born humble and quiet, yet ever astute
For it bears a great duty to find rich ground
To branch, and dig, and journey unbound
Each arm is so delicate, so fierce
Wielding scalpel and spear to pierce
So it may turn skin to soil and glass to sand
In the many palms of its great hand
And in the most sublime heresy
It reaches into the cold infinity
And tricks the all consuming dark
to guide such alien life on the journey it dares embark
The shadow opens up and the bodies fall in
Blubber and bone plummet; oh the dead stand so thin
Knees buckle and bare sockets cry dusty tears
But hidden by the corpses’ final crashing fall are subtle cheers;
For now is the spores great victory
It has sired forth a mighty family tree
That’s roots have dug deep into dust, shadow and bone
So it may branch yet another adventuresome clone
Such a profound decay
Under the cloak of late day
Where the dark meets the dead
And the mirrors face is fed
There lie the mushroom