A Story by Amanda R

The prick of a needle meets her finger
As her lips become crimson as the moon
Her body sways as her shadow lingers
Falling into evergreen trees by mid noon
The king escaped the wrath of the oggerress
Pleading and insearch of lust he spots trees
Trees of evergreen, lay the girl, in focus
Where crows hummed their tune, silent were the bees
Upon the view the king undoubtedly stew
Reminded of the old battered high-witch
Who cursed the girl to fall beneath the shrew
His eyes welled with tears and his heart bewitch
His tears wiped the crimson off of the girl
The bees began to hum the crows tune had stopped
And as the trees shriveled the girls skin turned pearl
The pearly girl began to wake and spotted
Spotted the king and kissed his reddened lips
The king turned crimson, away the girl she skips