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The Loving Tree

A Poem by Clara O.

The loving tree is the only affectionate thing in my life Every spring, the weight of blossoming flowers makes the tree’s branches reach down towards the ground So every day of every spring, I sit under that tree and close my eyes I feel the embrace, keeping me in bubble of branches, protecting me from the hate the world dares to keep throwing at humankind Windy breezes leaves my cheeks flaming red and sends a chill down my spine The onslaught of horror outside my cocoon threatens to break my peaceful getaway Away from not only the world but from myself My self-destruction and self-sabotage fades into the swirling wind The wind carries away my troubles Serene thoughts stream through my jaded mind, just like the brook behind my old farmhouse Maybe the wind causes more harm than good but it brings back my innocence You could call it naïveté, but that’s pessimistic Pessimism interrupts the bubble, therefore the negativity goes against the loving tree’s values and morals A tree with values and morals?! Yes, a tree with values and morals How can you question if a tree has values or morals when the world is so populated of unused and ignored potential When it comes to being emotionally enlightened, the loving tree has surpassed people Why is it that the loving tree has beat humans at their own game? Why is it that trees live in harmony and we cannot? Not only can we not live in harmony, but we hurt the trees that help us survive That’s why my tree, the loving tree, is so loving The loving tree is loving because it is its nature The loving tree is loving because it cares for me The loving tree is loving because I love it My company makes the tree feel more loved, and it reciprocates As I get older, the tree does too, and we grow together Together is the key word, because together we are better Hate like your life depends on it, but just remember that there is enough love to go around Find your tree like I have found mine Stability, support, and love comes from the roots we lay down on So if you need to find me, and you feel you cannot wait for me Wait for me so I can show you what a bubble of branches and roots can do I will be where peace lives until I am pulled out You better know that every time I get removed from my loving tree, The more I desire to teach you how harmony saves lives Know how I know this? Because the loving tree has given me light through darkness and.... The loving tree is the only affectionate thing in my life.


Website designed by Maggie Munday O.

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