By Anabelle B

Most mortals, most humans, don't have a real understanding of the intricacies of heavenly titles. They call Immortals, Demigods, and The divine Gods. they call Champions and Blessed, heroes. They look at Fae and hybrids, those seen as others, and call them Monsters pushing them into boxes. This one is neutral, that one hostile. In trying to understand what they cannot they simplify them till they fit in a box, reduced to their base components, and tucked away nice and neat. Through their lens they say, these gods ruled during this point then these gods took over, and so on. This goddess of the seas is the same as this demigod of water, gold, and the desert. They mush and mash, mixing parts and molding this soup into something new. They make one into many or many into one and pretend to have figured it out. In placing people and entities into boxes they deny their individual importance and all the little hierarchies that take place. They deny their humanity allowing themselves to look at the horrors done to others and say “They're not human”, ”I don't need to care”, and “They deserve this.” Because of this, they let innocents get hurt. So what happens if innocents get hurt one too many times, what happens if, no when they lose their innocence, their love for humanity, their hope that things will get better? They start learning they start finding the truth, they find solace in the forgotten and discarded like them. They find hope and light and love in each other.