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The Boy Who Loves His Sheep

A Poem by Clara O.

He’s just a young boy who loves his sheep

Every sunrise the boy runs away from home

Ditching his argumentative parents to escape to his happy place

He runs out of the house

Always without shoes, without apologies, without regrets, and without being noticed

They call him the lost boy

His nickname was coined when the townspeople went on a manhunt after he was lost for 16 hours

Eventually people stopped obsessing over his strange behavior

Then a fate worse than death for him occurred

He was alone

His brain dealt with the loss by turning the human race into the enemy

Days or maybe months later he found relief

The lost boy never went to school

So when the relief came, his empty schedule became filled to the brim

And so his daily routine commenced

He awoke with the words “filled to the brim of my hat” on his lips

He crept down the stairs always avoiding the creaky steps that would surely wake the villagers within a three mile radius

Reaching up to the highest hook, the lost boy snatched his velvet red hat that always brought a cute and crooked smile to his face

He began his long walk through the barely sunlit forest

Always venturing to the small pasture with the shack located miles away

The sheep lifts its head up and prances over to the gates the minute the boy’s tiny feet step into the shack

The shack is dingy and dusty

But it’s home to the lost boy, it’s his peace

Entering the shack always elicits a little cough from the boy

Like clockwork, when the lost boy coughs, the sheep makes a garbled noise that the boy knows is the sheep’s way of saying, “Hi, you aren’t lost, you aren’t alone, I love you”

Or maybe the sheep is trying to mimic him, that would be funny

But of those two options, the boy wisely chose the first

The boy struts over to the loving animal and runs his tiny hands through the sheep’s fur

He can’t organize his thoughts without the sheep

He’s a savant and it’s his secret

Nobody but the sheep is in the know

People are just an annoying illusion to him

They speak down to the lost boy as if he is an idiot because he never spoke or he took to long to respond to their mundane words

What they didn’t know is the lost boy will rule the world one day

He is smarter than life itself but nobody including him knew it yet

Only one being knew the boy’s brilliancy

The sheep

The fluffy animal’s intuition was remarkable

That’s why the boy loved the sheep and the sheep loved the boy

When the numbers attacked his brain, the sheep gifted the boy with comfort, stability, and love

The sheep’s fur would allow the boy to slow the stream of symbols flowing rapidly through his brain

Soft fur grounded him

It brought the boy back to Earth, where he recently decided it was okay to stay

His attacks used to make him want to leave the Earth, but there was nowhere else to go

If the savant in the boy’s body ever took over and caused him to faint, the sheep was there to catch him

It was brave and adorable

The sheep would race over and let the boy fall on its back to minimize the boy’s pain

In return, the boy continuously worked on cleaning the shack, and taking care of the sheep

Their loving symbiotic relationship got him through his childhood

When the sheep passed, its memory lived on and the boy did too

The boy and his incredible mind matured

He gained knowledge at a rapid-fire pace

He trained himself to calm his mind with the memories of his beloved sheep

Throughout his life the sheep was always in the center of his mind

Since the day his sheep passed,

He not only said the words, “filled to the brim of my hat” in the morning

He softly uttered, “Hi, you aren’t lost, you aren’t alone, I love you”, every night right before he shut his eyes, and dreamed of the sheep that kept him sane, alive, human, and a magnificent savant.


Website designed by Maggie Munday O.

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