A Short Story by Amanda R.

Lucy Tale was a girl. She was only 16 years of age but felt like she had it all. In retrospect she lived in a tiny 2 bedroom apartment with her father and her dog mitsy located in the south side of the Bronx, but it didn't matter. Lucy Tale had everything her 16 year old mind wanted, a wardrobe that she could easily mix and match an iphone 6 s and a blue polaroid camera that she hot glued purple lace to. To Lucy she was the queen of the world ready to take charge and snap a pic of whatever came her way. The only problem in Lucy's eyes was the up and coming new years dance. Yes Lucy brought a dress, and yes she had gotten a new lip gloss but one thing was missing. Probably the most important thing, while most important thing if you're a 16 year old girl living in a tiny 2 bedroom apartment with only your father and dog, a polaroid camera with purple lace and an iphone 6 s about to go to a new years dance. That problem was Lucy Tale did not have a date. Yes lucy was asked but she was asked by Michel Culn and if you know Michel Culn you would have said no too. Michel Culn was that kid who was probably early to everything, the kid who chooses to wear a collared shirt when it's not even picture day. Realistically he would be the boy that upstages you to a new years dance, and that's a big no no, well that is to Lucy Tale.
Monday december 15- 4:37 pm branxton cafe
“Chocolate or blueberry?”
“ I don't know Luce. I usually like cranberry.” Addaline, A girl tall in stature with big doe eyes spoke in her usual monotone voice, Unlike Lucy who talked as if every word that hung on her tongue was the most important thing that she had ever said. They were Two complete opposites yet they still managed to stay best friend’s since the middle of 7th grade. Currently they were discussing the muffin options at their favorite cafe. Though the real topic of discussion would start soon.
“Will that be all Lucy?"
“ ya thx $5.46 right.” Everyday after school Lucy and Adaline stopped at the branxton cafe and everyday they discussed the muffin option. Though Lucy Knew what she was going to get the words spoken were a kind of tradition, a comfort, a presence that ensured no matter what happened that day they would still discuss muffins. That everyday after school even though Lucy knew the muffins cost she would still ask, having a sense of completeness when the cashier would say yes. So everyday through every season these words would be spoken.
“ So who are you going to go to the dance with?” as the girls sat down and unwrapped their muffins the question of the dance had risen.
“ Honestly I have no clue, I mean I was asked but you know who asked me and I would never let that happen.” as Lucy Told Adaline of all her troubles all she thought was that if Michel Culn was the only boy in school to ask her out to the new year dance then she had officially failed at her teenage left. Okay maybe that was a little melodramatic but it still felt as if her whole highschool carrer led up to this moment and she was completely bombing it in her eyes.
“ You know you don't have to go with anyone right. I mean i'm going alone and can't wait. I picked out this chiffon black with a pearl that's laid out so cleanly on the left sleeve. My mom even let me borrow her gold necklace, sure it's not diamonds or anything but it was my grandmas.’
“Wait, you don't have a date. Why didn't you tell me sooner-”
“No, I mean yes I don't have a date,but wait were you even listening to anything I said after that.”
No Lucy did not listen to anything Adaline had said after she dropped a bomb like that. No longer was Lucy's mind cluttered with Thoughts of Michel Culn and who would take her to the dance. Adaline Lucy's best friend for over 3 years did not have a date. She was sure to regret and Lucy could not let that happen. Yes, only one thing was in Lucy's mind as adlines voice trailed away from her thoughts. Adaline did not have a date And by all means Lucy would not let her poor sweet friend who was probably too sarcastic for her own good, go to a dance alone. Especially the dance that was the pivotal moment of their highschool career. Yes at that exact moment Lucy decided to make it her mission on her life ambition to get Adaline a date to the new years dance. And that's when the trouble began.
To be continued . . .