By Tal T

Standing on the world’s terrace
The cold hits me from all sides
It blows my hair back and forth like branches in the wind
I stare into a mini universe made up of concrete skyscrapers and people walking 10 miles per hour with everywhere and nowhere to go
The black stilloute of buildings reflect against the streaks of the color that fill the sky
The yellow, orange, pink, and blue scattered everywhere
Like Jackson Pollock gone mad
Yet somehow it still seems to work
From the atlantic ocean that stretches out to Eurpoe, to the island that was a military post used in the revolutionary war
From the sculpture gifted by the french in 1884, to the 1792 foot building that memorializes the twin towers
From the bridge built 148 years ago, whose construction took the lives of 21 people, to the river that runs into the countryside
How can one singular city seem so big
How is it possible I seem so small when standing in front of it And how many ideas and thoughts must I have in order to fill it Staring the city in the face makes all my problems seem so small
My dog tugs at his leash, wanting to go inside and escape from the cold The pressure on my hand brings me back to reality
The sky is now black, the tourists desperse, and I walk the two blocks home