By Skylar S

tell the old story the story that you have heard before you know she trembles in the cold shaking for a breath the cigarette smoke blows into her lungs keeping her warm in the cold night. the cold night that was not unknown, she’s seen many cold nights before. It happened on her day of innocence. She twirled. she twirled with a long flowing skirt that danced with the wind the hands of a ghastly darkness pulled the wind towards them, she was naive. she didn’t know better so she followed the wind, she ran with it against her face and she. fell. fell from her mountain that viewed all of life amazing stories to tell. she ended up in a place . no light could be found. there was not a song to be sung. a problem to be solved, expect her. she was the problem , she never knew that she existed, she just did. she sees vines, that lead to her innocence. knowing the darkness will never perish , instead of sitting and turning to stone she breaks free and leaps, leaps like she never has before and falls even deeper. knowing she will never leave this newfound place she calls home. beware of the old story