A Poem by Clara O

Galaxies dance in her eyes
Strings light up the sky, plucking her thoughts straight out of the air into space
The music revives her body healing the wounds that the bad notes have carved out in her heart
Airy sounds go in one ear and flip her world on its head before exiting out into the monotonous world
Dread disappears while her faith is restored in her love of music
The love that drives her life into success
Her father told her, “It’s all in the notes love”, but she never understood
“Let the music move you into a state of peace”, but she never felt it
“Let yourself adapt”, but she couldn’t change
Until the galaxies introduced themselves
Until she could stare into the eye of the music staff and feel the flow of energy swirling through her veins
Until she learned her most important lesson, “it's all in the notes love”