A Poem by Clara O

Records scratching along with her skin
Bells chime in the wake of a new hour
Chords are struck on a dusty piano letting the world know music can feel too
Gongs clang, seagulls sang, someone rang
Sticks on the ground making patterns in the sand as they get tossed around by the wind
Drums reverberating making everyone walk a little faster
Fire crackles disintegrating everything in its wake
Wind carelessly screaming into the ears of lonely people walking the streets
Merry-go-round twinkling its uplifting tune covering up the ugliness of the childrens’ lives at home
Scribbles of colorful gel pens on paper, writing letters to someone who will never read them, only your desk drawer
Squeaks of shoes of freshly polished tiled floors, the lobbies of hotels scuffed up by ungrateful guests
Swells of angelic tunes lift into the air creating halos encircling heads sending them all to heaven
Brown eyes staring in wonderment as the music moves him into a world of sound on the same wavelength as him
Clicking of a keyboard, dreadful emails being typed to dreadful bosses about dreadful work
Paper being balled up by the girls who can’t write notes in class
Taper off into the sunset only to find out the world is flat
Haunting imaginary steps that follow you into the graveyards that are unavoidable in your path to get home
Saying something that came out wrong but it sounds beautiful anyway
Imperfections put together to make a family of misfits
Ringing that you swear is around you but it's all in your head
Records scratching again along with her voice
Cries of the coins being thrown into a tin can at the feet of a person who just wants somewhere, someplace, somebody to call home
Frequencies emitted by radios that only the stars will ever understand
Chopsticks clicking and snapping into pieces in the curious little hands of a girl
Alone in the night staring up at the ceiling waiting for it to talk back to you
Rain pouring onto broken umbrellas before descending to dehydrated concrete
Birds caw, competing with the wind for who can be the loudest
A girl with purple plastic rain boots stomps in puddles making the neighbors look outside in annoyance only to find themselves shutting the shade with smiles on their faces
Cardboard boxes being opened the wrong way by people too lazy to go get scissors lying 3 feet away from them
Bubble wrap stepped on by accident, becoming a better wakeup call than your alarm clock
Coffee brewing drip by drip into a mug that randomly appeared in your cabinet one day and never left you even when it felt too hyper with caffeine to sit still
Hooves trotting along a path, your horse finding you after being lost in the woods
Sunshine making the world glow with renewed energy, charging peoples’ internal solar panels
Tiptoeing into your parent’s dark room to find a new place to sleep because the lightning rattling your window is starting to shake your world
Upending voicemails that leave windmarks in the air as you run out the door