by Chloe B

The baroque-esque florals that were featured in our digital catalogue
Warm fuzz of shows turned classics
Adolescence's epilogue
Anne Hathaway and spider man were our babysitters
Dollhouse, dinosaurs, puzzles and Lincoln logs
Crashed from midday jitters
Granny square blankets pilled from love
L-shaped sofas
Adults exclusive club
Uneven cheese slices and pinot, morning mimosas
Ikeas north star dangled above
Yahtzee games were good in small doses
I spy a rocking chair, Fireplace, and toy trains in a tub
Over - dyed antique Turkish rugs
ladybug shells scattered on the oak
Stench of mothbells make you choke
The pullout bed in case we got scared, was always made up
Watching, waiting, pushing as Jessie's pateince developed
Dad who always lost made up the best jokes
Early wake ups whining, jumping, and face pokes
Cold feet
Stubbed feet
Were how in the mornings in our little house in the woods, we arose