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Fall of the Victor

A Poem by Clara O

When you think you have it all, you don’t When you think you have nothing, you have something When you figure out what you have or don’t, you cry Tears of realization stream down your cheeks when all is decided, all is found, all is cemented in time There’s no uncertainty now and you can breathe again Take your time as you take a deep breath because it’s all figured out... for now Inhale the beautiful smells of recovery and healing Exhale life as we know it because all has changed We are better for it, the change, of not just you or me, but all of us Happiness is unleashed in half of hearts across the country Knives clink against crystal glasses with toasts of excitement and relief Feelings of togetherness brings music of unified honking car horns Anger heats bubbles up in the rest of hearts, boiling over in fits of raging heartbreak Decorative tablecloths are ripped off tables leaving them bare, causing plates to shatter on the floor along with crystal glasses Fingers fly across screens typing destructive words to carelessly harm the other half of happy hearts and let out the upset bubbles Minds at war with people in a fury to convince others the opinions dead set in their heads is the only correct one in existence Wrong, wrong, wrong I say that’s where we implode The cycle of incorrectly thinking we have it all spins eternally But the self-proclaimed victor fell from the big white house on the hill and now the cycle may flip We will just have to see


Website designed by Maggie Munday O.

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