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Autumn Leaves

A Poem by Anonymous

Autumn leaves like the song

Fell on the ground

Autumn leaves like the song

Leaves me fallen with them too

Sapped dry of their color, they float on their dying breaths

Sapped dry of myself, I slam, on my next

I wish I was a leaf

So many poems about leaves, and fall, and seasons

And nearly as many of them about me

I wish I was a poem about a leaf

To be a vessel for someone else's words must be nice, maybe even nicer than being green and beautiful and in the wind one day, then slowly, and then all of a sudden, not

The seasons change, so do I, hopefully

I grow, the leaves fall, the leaves grow, I fall

I could never be a leaf

I don’t want to be a leaf, or even a poem about one

I want to be someone who cares, who grows, who changes

A leaf does two of those three, and it doesn’t even care which two those are

I wish

Autumn leaves

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