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A Dragon Story

An excerpt from a story by Thomas C.

Chapter 1: Alive?

"So, first question." Hookfang Grumbled. Toothless listened to the sound of wind whistling in his ear flaps, plucking at his scales like a cool wave and stinging his eyes softly. He laid on his back, perched precariously on the summit of a sheer roof, lazy, half-shut eyes glancing over the cloud-dappled sky. The wind carried a draft of salt sea air and the musk of sheep and Dragons. He answered nonchalantly, "Shoot." "Favorite color?" "Green if I'm in a good mood, Black if I'm not." "Favorite food?" "You know that weird little red fish? The one with the pink flesh?" "Ah, Salmon. Okay, favorite two-legs?" "Hiccup, that's a given." "Favorite Dragon." Toothless opened his jaws as the name hung on his tongue, then shut them quickly. He rolled over, making the wooden roof creak slightly, and faced the asker, a crimson Monstrous Nightmare who was curled around the wooden figurehead nailed to the front of the roof. Black barbs that spanned the huge Dragon’s back carved white scars into the wood as Hookfang puffed a cloud of flame in boredom and asked, "So? Who is it? Could it be the very handsome, mysterious and dangerous Monstrous Nightmare before you?" Toothless made a retching gesture over the side of the roof and the Nightmare gave an amused, rumbling chuckle. "So not me, who is it then?" Hiccup was off inventing something, giving Toothless more free time than he'd like. It seemed that Hookfang's rider was also busy, so the Dragon had found Toothless here, on the roof of Hiccup's, and they were finding ways to amuse themselves. Hookfang seemed to think for a while, a world record, before he narrowed his eyes and leaned in slightly, smoke trailing from the corners of his jaws. He hissed teasingly, "It's Stormfly, isn’t it?" Toothless' eyes widened, before he scoffed in shock, "Hah! That's crazy as if I'd ever… no, just no. She's my friend." "It is her!" Hookfang exclaimed, his snarl turning a few heads of passing two-legs below and flying Dragons above. Hookfang loomed closer and grinned, revealing double rows of long fangs. He glanced to either side to make sure no one was eavesdropping, before asking slowly, "Does she know?" Toothless rolled his eyes and pushed Hookfang away with one leg. "I told you, she's my friend! Friend! You deaf as well as stupid?" Hookfang didn't seem to care. As the Night Fury pretended to inspect his jet black wings, the other Dragon inched closer, slyly asking, "Have you made a move yet? Always make the first move, bro! The ladies love a guy with confidence." Toothless smirked, "I'm sure you have a lot of experience with the ladies." Hookfang grinned.


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