By Jillian S

I ache for home. My heart yearns
for it. But everyday, my body, my
soul, my self drifts further
and further away from any home
I’ve ever known, and I’m less
confident I will ever be able to
turn and drift back. I’ve never
known a proper, stable anchor to
my life, my childhood. I’ve never
felt welcoming, kind comfort
to my hurt soul and body. I’ve never
felt at home. And yet, I move
around and across, in search of a
place to stay, a place to be. As I
move, I leave a piece of myself
where I was; I drop a part of my
heart in a place I wish I could stay,
but thank god I’m leaving. And
eventually, I lose myself. I lose the
aspects of me I cherished so
much, I lose my past, my
memories, my love for myself,
because I don’t know who I am. I
am so lost in this whirlpool of
what once was, what I could’ve
been, and at the end of the day, I
am still nobody but the
experiences around me. But who
am I if I don’t remember my
experiences? Then, I am nothing.
I am nobody. I am somebody I can
build from the ground up, but that
person I will have built is not me.
I am someone I do not recognize.
I am me.
"I drop a part of my
heart in a place I wish I could stay" Very Good